This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Goal 3: Aboriginal families and households thrive

Family violence has a disproportionate impact on Aboriginal people in Victoria, particularly women and children, regardless of where they live.

Aboriginal communities in Victoria have consistently led the way in developing strategic priorities and actions to prevent family violence. This is demonstrated through strong whole‑of‑community engagement initiatives that bring together women, men, children and Elders to collectively break the cycles of violence.

3.1 Reduce the incidence and impact of family violence affecting Aboriginal families

3.1.1 Family violence incidents by other party

3.1.2 Family violence incidents against an affected family member

3.1.3 Notifications to child protection for children and young people where family violence is identified

3.2 Increase income and housing security for Aboriginal households

3.2.1 Proportion of adults who did not run out of food and could afford to buy more, in the last 12 months

3.2.2 Proportion of households with less than 50% median equivalised income

3.2.3 Proportion of Victorian households in rental and mortgage stress

3.2.4 Proportion of Victorians who are homeless or accessing homelessness services

3.2.5 Proportion of Aboriginal Victorians living in over-crowded dwellings
