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Action list - Closing the Gap Implementation Plan

Victoria’s implementation plan on closing the gap outlines actions Victoria will undertake to achieve the objective of the new national agreement on closing the gap.

On this page


Priority Reform One Outcome: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are empowered to share decision-making authority with governments to accelerate policy and place-based progress on Closing the Gap through formal partnership arrangements.

Priority Reform One Target: There will be formal partnership arrangements to support Closing the Gap in place between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments in place in each state and territory enshrining agreed joint decision-making roles and responsibilities and where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have chosen their own representatives.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Whole of Government actions:
Establish joined-up approach to five policy areas: (Clause 38) justice, social and emotional wellbeing, housing, early childhood care and development, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Existing Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister Pulford
Establishment of the First People's Assembly of Victoria. The Assembly is the first democratically elected body of Aboriginal Victorians in the State's history and has been tasked with establishing the framework that will support future Treaty negotiations, in partnership with government. To reflect diversity of Aboriginal voices across Victoria, the Assembly is made up of 21 general members elected by Aboriginal Victorians across five voting regions and 11 seats reserved for members of formally recognised Traditional Owner groups.
Existing Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Establishment of the Yoo-rrook Truth and Justice Commission. In pursuing treaty, the government is committed to acknowledging the truth of Victoria's history and laying the foundations for new, positive relationships between the State, Aboriginal Victorians and non-Aboriginal Victorians. Aboriginal Victorians have been clear and consistent in their call for truth-telling as an essential part of the treaty process. In particular, the Assembly formally called for a truth and justice process through a resolution of its Chamber in June 2020. It is anticipated that the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission will investigate both historical and ongoing injustices committed against Aboriginal Victorians since colonisation by the State and non-State entities, across all areas of social, political and economic life. In doing so, the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission will engage Victoria's Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community to achieve its aims of truth telling and truth listening.
$44.4 million over for years to support establishment and operation
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Taskforce. The Joint COVID-19 Aboriginal Community Taskforce (the Taskforce) was established to support a comprehensive, coordinated and culturally safe response to COVID-19 impacts on Aboriginal Victorians and was integral in coordinating both proactive and emergency responses to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on Victoria's Aboriginal communities. These responses include contribution and development of a Whole of Victorian Government Aboriginal-specific COVID-19 funding package, development of an Aboriginal Community COVID-19 Fund, providing support for Aboriginal school students during the pandemic, culturally effective COVID-19 communications, securing food supplied to a number of Aboriginal communities during the pandemic, and ensuring culturally-safe contact tracing.
Emergency Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Victorian Aboriginal Social Recovery Advisory Group. The Victorian Aboriginal Social Recovery Advisory Group was established as a shared decision-making body between the Aboriginal community-controlled sector and Victorian Government Departments. It supports the Victorian Government's social recovery efforts and ensures that self-determination is central to recovery. A priority for this group has been the co-design of the funding model for the $40 million Aboriginal Workforce Fund.
Commenced December 2020.
To be determined.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Partnership with Victoria's Implementation Partners to jointly develop Victoria's Implementation Plan.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Department of Land, Water, Environment and Planning actions:
Establishment of the Caring for Country Partnership Forum.
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Begin regular Regional Partnership Forums made up of senior Traditional Owner Corporation staff and senior DELWP regional staff.
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Continue to develop local Traditional Owner Self-Determination Plans with Traditional Owner groups and DELWP regions.
Minister for Planning
Continue to implement improvements to DELWP systems and processes to enable Aboriginal self-determination.
Existing funding
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Develop local Traditional Owner Self-Determination Plans with Traditional Owner groups and DELWP regions.
Minister for Planning
Implement improvements to DELWP systems and processes to enable Aboriginal self-determination.
Existing funding
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions:
Korin Korin Balit-Dajk system transformation project. This work embodies Aboriginal world views, that respects Aboriginal systems and ways of working, that delivers greater agency and control. Aboriginal Strategy and Oversight have partnered with the DFFH Koorie Caucus to redesign the existing KKBD strategy across five key priority reform areas; governance and self determination, leadership and workforce, cultural competency, funding and commissioning, and data and knowledge. The purpose is to give greater agency and control of the system to Aboriginal People, and to develop place based and policy based plans which enables self-determination by shifting power to the Aboriginal community.
$14 million
Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Aboriginal Governance and Accountability Framework. The Aboriginal Governance and Accountability framework defines shared decision-making and articulates self-determination within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. However the policy landscape has shifted significantly since the framework was developed in 2017, and the department has commissioned an independent review to identify opportunities for improvement. The review aims to embed Aboriginal leadership and decision making at all levels of the department; strengthen accountability and transparency to the Aboriginal community; and engage and promote diverse Aboriginal voices, particularly of local communities to inform policy direction and funding decision making. The review is being driven by a Koorie Caucus working group and is being overseen by an independent, Aboriginal-led panel.
The framework was established in 2017 and is under review.
Existing funding mechanisms are in scope for the review
The review is expected to be completed in 2021-2022.
Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Wungurilwil Gapgapduir: Children and Families Agreement and the Aboriginal Children's Forum. Wungurilwil Gapgapduir is a tripartite agreement between the Aboriginal community, child and family services sector and the government. The agreement prioritises efforts to reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children involved in child protection and care services. The Aboriginal Children's Forum gives practical effect to the implementation and monitoring of Wungurilwil Gapgapduir to promote the safety, health and resilience of vulnerable Aboriginal children and young people, so they thrive and live in culturally rich and strong Aboriginal families and communities.
Since 2018, over $150m of new investment provided by the Victorian Government to implement Wungurilwil Gapgapduir
Minster for Child Protection
Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way - Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families 2018-2028. An Aboriginal-led Victorian Agreement that commits Aboriginal communities, Aboriginal services and government to work together and be accountable for ensuring that Aboriginal people, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and living free from family violence. There are a number of associated Aboriginal community-led governance structures:
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Establishment of Disability Local Area Networks to bring together key stakeholders focused on building relationships between Aboriginal community and organisations, government and mainstream disability providers. This will facilitate opportunities for DFFH to hear from the ACCOs on the challenges that the sector as well as Aboriginal people with disability face in transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and help guide priority issues in conversations with NDIA governance groups.
Victorian Government Transition Support Package
Minister for Disability and Ageing
Office for Disability has engaged the First Peoples Disability Network (Australia) to undertake consultations with Victorian Aboriginal people. These consultations will inform actions to be developed under a new four-year state disability plan. Engagement data will also be used to make plan commitments more generally responsive to the strengths and self-determination of Aboriginal people with disability, and culturally safe and appropriate. It is anticipated that building on actions from the current state disability plan listed below will also be factored in identifying new commitments.
Funded through existing DHHS (now DFFH) budget
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Aboriginal Victorians with disability were identified as a key target group as part of disability advocacy outreach funding announced in May 2020 by the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers to support diverse and hard to reach communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
$180,000 ($150,000 in 2019-20 and $30,000 in 2020-21)
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Department of Health actions:
Strengthen decision making and priority setting through the establishment of the Aboriginal Health Partnership Forum and development of a health plan for streamlined implementation of commonwealth and state health commitments and priorities identified by Aboriginal community.
$230,000 per annum
Commence 2020/21
Minister for Health
Establish partnerships between Local Public Health Units and Aboriginal community to support place based responses to pandemic and infectious diseases.
Within existing budget
Commence 2021/21
Minister for Health
Continue partnership with VACCHO on the Victorian Cancer Screening Steering Committee and funded to lead cancer screening efforts for Aboriginal Victorians under the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework.
Part of $600,000 per annum to lead Aboriginal cancer screening initiatives under the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework
Minister for Health
Development of Victoria's first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections plan.
Within existing budget
Minister for Health
Support VACCHO to deliver culturally appropriate preventive health initiatives aimed at reducing smoking, preventing diabetes, increasing healthy eating and active living, supporting improved maternal and child nutrition and health, supporting breastfeeding and improved sexual and reproductive health, as well as reducing risk factors for cancer.
$2.634 million
Minister for Health
Department of Treasury and Finance actions:
To support the State's progression towards treaty, DTF will prepare a paper exploring options on how to structure the Self-Determination Fund under the Financial Management Act 1994. These options will outline practical approaches to enable flexibility and Aboriginal decision-making in fund allocations.
Treasurer, Premier, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Continue implementation of actions to advance self-determination through the budget process including increased collaboration with the Aboriginal community on business case development.
Development of the Side by Side program with the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency.
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions actions:
Established a Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council comprising of 20 Aboriginal community leaders and DJPR Executive Board to: be a conduit for partnership between DJPR and the Victorian Aboriginal community, provide Aboriginal community input into DJPR's decision making processes, finalise the Victorian Aboriginal and Local Government Strategy, provide guidance to local councils and Aboriginal organisation on inclusion of Aboriginal voices in council strategic planning processes, guide the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the new Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy, including shared input into budget development and related initiatives, establish First Peoples Partnership Group in Sport, Recreation and Racing (SRR), to ensure an Aboriginal Community self-determination led approach to sport and active recreation.
$1.004 million
2020 - 2024
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Youth
Continue to support VAEEC to complete the next iteration of the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy.
$0.40 million
2020 - 2024
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Established the Creative Victoria - First Peoples Directions Circle (previously the First Peoples Partnership Group) established in December 2019.
0.120 million
2020 - 2025
Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Regulatory Reform, Minister for Government Services, Minister for Creative Industries
Building ongoing partnerships with Traditional Owners' action taken include; commitment to reserving up to 2 community and business memberships on each Regional Partnership for Aboriginal Victorians. Vacancies are still open on the Great South Coast, Ovens Murray and Central Highlands Regional Partnerships. DJPR worked with Aboriginal Victoria and other stakeholders to ensure the most recent recruitment process was advertised to a broad range of Aboriginal networks throughout the state, including Koori Mail, and direct engagement with DPC Community Brokers. The process resulted in an increase of Aboriginal representatives on Regional Partnerships, from 5 in the previous term to 8 current members. The majority of the 8 current Aboriginal Regional Partnership members are Traditional Owners within their region. New and continuing Regional Partnership members will undertake Cultural Awareness training in a local context.
Pending budget outcomes
2020 - 2025
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
Supporting the Victorian Traditional Owner Native Foods and Botanicals Strategy.
Pending budget outcomes
2020 - 2025
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
Department of Transport actions:
Development of the new Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23 aims to transform the transport porftolio's systems and procedures to enable and empower Aboriginal Victorians to share decision-making authority and accelerate policy and place-based progress against CtG outcomes.
Existing Funding
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport, Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
Implementation of a new whole-of-transport portfolio model of engagement with Aboriginal Victorians at the local level to co-design solutions to transport issues that matter to them.
Existing Funding
As above
Documenting these solutions in Regional Chapters (as local implementation plans) to be promoted on transport websites for transparency and to enable ongoing review and monitoring of actions to occur.
Existing Funding
As above
Inviting Victorian Registered Aboriginal Parties to develop co-designed partnership agreements with the portfolio as a mechanism to support more strategic conversations to occur in relation to delivery of Victorian transport projects and other Traditional Owner priorities.
Existing Funding
As above
Partnering with other tiers of government and the private sector, where appropriate, to further enhance outcomes.
Existing Funding
As above
Department of Education and Training actions:
Marrung Central Governance Committee. Formal partnerships and shared decision-making with Victorian Aboriginal community to support improved learning and development outcomes for Aboriginal learners currently occurs through Marrung governance mechanisms, including VAEAI, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited. Aboriginal organisations and/or community stakeholders sit on decision-making groups and steering committees for all Aboriginal education programs and initiatives.
Minister for Education, Minister for Early Childhood, Minister for Training and Skills


Priority Reform Two Outcome: Building the community-controlled sector: There is a strong and sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sector delivering high quality services to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the country.

Priority Reform Two Target: Increase the amount of government funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs and services going through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Whole of Government actions:
Aboriginal funding reform project. Aboriginal Strategy and Oversight is co-designing and piloting a pooled outcome-based funding model with 3 ACCOs (Djirra, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service, and Ramahyuck). The pilot model will include health and human service funding across both DFFH and Department of Health. Critical features of the model will be; measuring investment against Aboriginal defined outcomes; co-design of service agreements; reduced reporting burden; and monitoring and evaluation processes to measure impact and inform phase 2 of the project (for upscaling).
$330,000 will be allocated from the Korin Korin Balit-Djak budget
Phase 1 will be completed in July 2021
Minister for Health, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
AEC/SOG Funding coordination. DPC to coordinate the collection of information from all departments regarding allocation of funding to ACCOs. The purpose of this work is to develop an understanding of whole of government allocation of funding to ACCOs. Funding allocation transparency and tracking to be progressed through Aboriginal partnership forums by 2023.
Existing Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Aboriginal Workforce Fund. Workforce Fund is a two-year initiative that supports Aboriginal community controlled organisations (ACCOs). The fund is being co-designed by DFFH and the Victorian Aboriginal Social Recovery Advisory Group and will use Aboriginal measures of success. Funding will be allocated on advice from Aboriginal-led governance groups.
$40 million
$10 million will be allocated in the 2020-21 financial year. $30 million will be allocated in the 2021-22 financial year.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs , Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
COVID-19 Aboriginal Support Package. A coordinated funding package to support the ACCO sector to deliver services and increase IT capability during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included a $10 million dollar self-determination fund for Aboriginal-led place based responses to COVID-19 impacts on local communities.
$23 million
Emergency/COVID response
Families, Fairness and Housing
Department of Land, Water and Planning actions:
Increase the number of projects and initiatives where Aboriginal people are accessing water for economic development and other self-determined purposes.
Existing funding
Minister for Water
Develop a sustainable funding model for TO groups that elevates self-determination and the ability to submit to 2021-22 budget bid.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Develop a DELWP Learning and Development package with Traditional Owners to be utilised by Traditional Owner Corporations.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Prioritise Aboriginal suppliers when procuring goods and services by developing a DELWP Aboriginal Procurement Report in order to prioritise Aboriginal suppliers when procuring goods and services.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Work with DELWP's Aboriginal suppliers to identify how DELWP's project and procurement processes incorporate cultural responsibilities and knowledge.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Strengthen Traditional Owner decision-making in sustainable water management.
Existing funding
Minister for Water
Strengthen Traditional Owner decision-making in biodiversity.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions:
Family Safety Victoria are strengthening Aboriginal frontline family violence services through the design and implementation of the Dhelk Dja Fund and the Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy. A Dhelk Dja 10 Year Investment Strategy will be developed to provide a mechanism for the Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus and Partnership Forum to inform the government's budget development process. The strategy will be endorsed by the Dhelk Dja Partnership in late 2021.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Continue progress under Wungurilwil Gapgapduir: Objective two within the Wungurilwil Gapgapduir has direction actions that resource and support Aboriginal organisations to care for Aboriginal children, families and communities by: enabling Aboriginal children and young person's right to access services provided by Aboriginal organisations, developing flexible and longer term funding arrangements for Aboriginal organisations that support locally designed and tailored responses, and strengthening the support for Aboriginal parents, foster and kinship carers.
Since 2018, over $150m of new investment provided by the Victorian Government to implement Wungurilwil Gapgapduir
Minister for Child Protection
Improving cultural safety in the Forensic Disability Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cognitive impairment involved in the criminal justice system by establishing an Aboriginal liaison position, creating culturally safe spaces within forensic disability residential services, and providing cultural support through engagement with Elders for Aboriginal forensic disability residents.
$150,000, funded recurrently
Commenced 2020-21, ongoing
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Victoria has established Disability Local Area Networks across Victoria to build relationships between Aboriginal organisations, the NDIA and mainstream disability providers, in partnership with Aboriginal and community organisations. The networks support information sharing, capacity building and engagement with the Aboriginal community controlled organisations to assist them responding to clients, particularly on NDIS access and use matters.
Existing (2017-20 state disability plan commitment)
Funded through existing DHHS (now DFFH) budget
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Project work has significantly advanced to provide consultancy support to Vic ACCOs to understand the NDIS, including impacts of operating as NDIS provider and how to best support their community through transition. VACCHO have developed various resources and are working intensively with their members to plan for NDIS. Due for completion in June 2020.
Existing (2017-20 state disability plan commitment)
Funded through existing DHHS (now DFFH) budget
Jun-2021 (originally for completion in Jun-2020, but impacted by COVID)
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Department of Health actions:
Development and piloting of outcomes-based funding model with peak body for Aboriginal community-controlled health sector.
Minister for Health
Continue to support ACCOS to understand the NDIS including what it means for their organisation as well as how Aboriginal people can access the scheme. This includes building awareness of the scheme, facilitating informed decision making and support with implementation if they become an NDIS provider.
Victorian Government Transition Support Package
Minister for Disability and Ageing
Continue to improve access to specialist appointments and medical care for Aboriginal people in rural and regional areas in collaboration with the Aboriginal community-controlled health sector.
$136.3 million over four years f
2021-22 and 2022-23. There is an existing four year election commitment with the first year of the commitment was 2019-20.
Minster for Health
Continue partnership between Royal Children's Hospital and Victorian Aboriginal Health Service has supported the access to self-determined health care for Aboriginal children and families within an Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation (ACCO).
$1,254,000 pilot
Minister for Health
Increase cancer screening expertise at VACCHO and strengthen data systems to improve cancer screening reporting
Part of $600,000 per annum to lead Aboriginal cancer screening initiatives under the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework
Minister for Health
Continued delivery of the Best Practice Forum on Aboriginal Tobacco Control, an action under the Korin Korin Balit-Djak Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017-2027, where Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) are provided opportunities to report on local initiatives, build capacity and share stories and progress in reducing smoking. Due to COVID-19, the forum is currently being delivered as a series of webinars.
$10,000 per annum
Minister for Health
Continuation of funded activity by VACCHO to co-ordinate culturally safe strategies to reduce smoking prevalence amongst Aboriginal people and support ACCHOs across Victoria to become smoke free. This includes carrying out smoke free workplace audits across ACCHOs, identifying training opportunities and road shows on how to use nicotine replacement therapy.
$165,000 per annum
Minister for Health
Build the capacity and capability of the Aboriginal AOD workforce through an increase in Aboriginal AOD FTE and workforce development.
$2,562,000 total for the 18-month period commencing 1 July 2021
1 July 2021 - 30 December 2022
Minister for Health
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions actions:
Continue partnership with Victorian Traditional Owners to support the development of native food and botanicals crops by Victorian Aboriginal organisations through Djakitjuk Djanga and through funding to support the development of a Traditional Owner Native Foods and Botanicals Strategy (TONFABS). Agriculture Victoria plans to continue to collaborate with Traditional Owners to implement TONFABS.
$2.4 million
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
Establishment of both Working for Victoria and the Jobs Victoria Employment Network, including significant investment provided to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to deliver services to support Closing the Gap including; Working for Victoria has supported 33 proposals from Aboriginal organisations. An investment of $15.6 million has created 266 FTE positions; and Jobs Victoria is the Victorian Government's flagship employment program. Under the current Jobs Victoria Employment Network 1,150 Aboriginal job seekers have been supported into work since late 2016.
$15.6 million through Working for Victoria
Minister for Employment
Deliver on the Victorian Budget 2020/21 announcement of $619.4 million to provide jobseekers with the information, advice and support they need to get back to work through an expanded Jobs Victoria.
Allocation to support Aboriginal communities TBC
Minister for Employment
Continue funding place-based Aboriginal economic strategies to assist in stimulating self-determined regional community-controlled organisations and Traditional Owner Corporation economic activity. As part of the development of Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) for each of the nine Regional Partnership regions, a specific focus on Aboriginal economic development objectives is being included. While the REDS are region-wide Strategies, they will take into account the self-determined economic aspirations of Traditional Owners and the broader regional Aboriginal community.
$0.10 million (approx.) to deliver materials to support engagement
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
Supporting the establishment of an Aboriginal State Sport and Recreation Body to advocate for increased capacity and capability across the sport and recreation sector (including to Government) to effectively engage with the Victorian Aboriginal Community and deliver enhanced sport and recreation participation opportunities.
Pending budget outcomes
Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Youth
Continue working with communities to develop community based independent tourism body.
$1.6 million
2020- 2024
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital EconomyMinister for Small Business
Investing in the development of Kinaway Chamber of Commerce as a peak body in supporting Aboriginal businesses.
$0.973 million
2020- 2025 2024
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Department of Transport actions:
Under the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23: The Victorian transport portfolio will work together with Aboriginal stakeholders to ensure provision of culturally safe transport services and access to community facilities and services.
Existing funding
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
It will also trial pooled, outcomes-based funding models with Aboriginal stakeholders, including Aboriginal community controlled organisations, that build the capacity of Aboriginal Victorians to lead the procurement of services they consider best placed to deliver transport outcomes.
Existing Funding
As above


Priority Reform Three Outcome: Improving mainstream institutions: Governments, their organisations and their institutions are accountable for Closing the Gap and are culturally safe and responsive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including through the services they fund.

Priority Reform Three Target: Decrease in the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experiences of racism.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Whole of Government Actions
Establishment of the First People's Assembly of Victoria. The Assembly is the first democratically elected body of Aboriginal Victorians in the State's history and has been tasked with establishing the framework that will support future Treaty negotiations, in partnership with government. To reflect diversity of Aboriginal voices across Victoria, the Assembly is made up of 21 general members elected by Aboriginal Victorians across five voting regions and 11 seats reserved for members of formally recognised Traditional Owner groups.
Existing Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Establishment of the Yoo-Rrook Truth and Justice Commission. In pursuing treaty, the government is committed to acknowledging the truth of Victoria's history and laying the foundations for new, positive relationships between the State, Aboriginal Victorians and non-Aboriginal Victorians. Aboriginal Victorians have been clear and consistent in their call for truth-telling as an essential part of the treaty process. In particular, the Assembly formally called for a truth and justice process through a resolution of its Chamber in June 2020. It is anticipated that the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission will investigate both historical and ongoing injustices committed against Aboriginal Victorians since colonisation by the State and non-State entities, across all areas of social, political and economic life. In doing so, the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission will engage Victoria's Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community to achieve its aims of truth telling and truth listening.
$44.4 million over for years to support establishment and operation
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
AEC/SLG Action: DTF and AEC to collaborate on further long term reforms to the budget development process in time for the 2022-23 Victorian Budget.
Existing Funding
AEC/SLG Action: All departments to seek and share information on the development of budget priorities with AEC and SOG, where appropriate and with any necessary level of approval.
Existing Funding
AEC/SLG Action: All departments to ensure the current budget process supports self-determination and engage AEC and/or other Aboriginal governance mechanisms for advice in the detailed preparation of budget bids for the 2020/21 budget.
Existing Funding
All Departments
Table Victoria's Implementation Partner's review of the VGAAR as a key Aboriginal sector led accountability approach.
Existing Funding
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Department of Land, Water and Planning actions:
Deliver mandatory Cultural Safety Training package to DELWP staff.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Implement improvements to DELWP systems and processes to enable self-determination.
Existing funding
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Identify ways in which Traditional Owner values can be better reflected in DELWP's planning systems.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Identify the potential DELWP legislative improvements to support the principles of self-determination.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Incorporate government response from the First Principles Review for continuous improvement of DELWP engagement with Traditional Owners to enable Self-Determination.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with DELWP's Aboriginal suppliers to identify how DELWP's project and procurement processes incorporate cultural responsibilities and knowledge.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Include actions towards self-determination in the DELWP Group Business Plans and Executive annual performance plans.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions.
Implement DHHS' Aboriginal Cultural Safety Framework through its People and Culture Strategy. This will be overseen by the FSV People and Culture Committee, in consultation with Aboriginal staff working at FSV.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Design and establish culturally responsive Aboriginal Access Points to support victim survivors, vulnerable children and families and those who use violence to navigate the service system to access services that meet their needs and aspirations. The finalisation of an Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan will embed inclusion, access and equity in The Orange Doors.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Continue the Strengthening Cultural Safety in Family Violence project which will establish a framework for assessing and implementing a culturally safe workplace in The Orange Doors in 2021.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Continue implementing the Cultural Safety Framework across both Department of Health and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, including: Cultural safety training workshops and education packages have been provided to executives and staff across the Department of Health and the Department of Families, Fairness and Health. This has included partnering with Koorie Heritage Trust.
Within existing budget
Commenced 2019, ongoing
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Minister for Women, Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Youth, Minister for Child Protection, Minister for Housing
Improving cultural safety in the Forensic Disability Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cognitive impairment involved in the criminal justice system by establishing an Aboriginal liaison position, creating culturally safe spaces within forensic disability residential services, and providing cultural support through engagement with Elders for Aboriginal forensic disability residents.
$150,000 funded recurrently
Commenced 2020-21, ongoing
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Department of Health actions:
Implement the Victorian Cultural Safety Framework and embed cultural safety in mainstream health responses with a priority on hospitals and response to public intoxication.
Within existing budget
Minister for Health
Implementation of the Aboriginal health funding model to strengthen the cultural safety of Victorian public health services. Cultural safety actions are targeted to 8 key areas also aligning with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS) and includes: Aboriginal (health) employment, cultural safety training, partnerships with Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, executive leadership, identifying community needs/gaps, strong accountability, culturally welcoming spaces, and improved patient identification.
Funding of $29m was allocated to 41 public health services in 2020/21
Minister for Health
Implementation of the Aboriginal Leadership in Cultural Safety initiative (State government funded) to support Aboriginal leadership and self-determination to improve the cultural safety of Victorian health services.
$1 million per annum
Minister for Health
Embedding cultural safety in mainstream health responses to public intoxication in alignment with the decriminalisation of public drunkenness reforms
$16 million in total for implementation of a health-based approach to public intoxication.
November 2020- November 2022
Minister for Health
Grow and strengthen the Aboriginal workforce across the health sector through increased access to training through cadetships and scholarship programs including: South West Indigenous Community Internship Program; Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria; Aboriginal (Nursing and Midwifery) Postgraduate Scholarship Program; Aboriginal Cadetship Program (Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health); and the Maternal and Child Health Nursing Scholarship Program.
Pending budget outcomes
Minister for Health
Department of Treasury and Finance actions:
Continue embedding commitments under the Social Procurement Framework (SPF)
Existing funding
Provide cultural safety and Aboriginal self-determination training for budget analysts
Existing funding
Continue embedding longer-term planning to deliver self-determination reform and improved outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians
Existing funding
DTF and Implementation Partners to collaborate on further long-term reforms to the budget
Existing funding
Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions actions:
Continue commitments under the Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy to ensure a minimum two per cent Aboriginal employment, creating a culturally safe work environment and improving its connection to and work with Victoria's Aboriginal communities.
$1.061 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Continue work under the Aboriginal Landholder Information Service (ALIS) to collaborate directly with Aboriginal organisations to provide them with a flexible, responsive, demand driven service.
$0.23 million
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
The Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council has transformed the way DJPR works and partners with the Aboriginal community to improve accountability and better respond and deliver on Aboriginal economic development opportunity and prosperity.
$1.0 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Department of Transport actions:
DoT and the wider Victorian transport portfolio will educate staff on Aboriginal affairs objectives (including CtG, VAAF and self-determination reforms) and culturally safe workplace requirements through participation in cultural competency training and daily activities and events
Existing Funding
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
Ensuring delivery of culturally safe services through initiatives that acknowledge traditional owners (e.g. conductor announcements), general celebration of Aboriginal culture and heritage (e.g. through Aboriginal artwork on trains and trams, plaques and Aboriginal naming of infrastructure) and other initiatives identified by Aboriginal Victorians.
Existing Funding
As above
Ensure accountability through the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Steering Committee including Aboriginal representation oversighting implementation, monitoring and evaluation of progress against CtG and VAAF outcomes.
Existing Funding
As above
Establish mechanisms for evaluating levels of cultural safety and experiences of Aboriginal Victorians on transport services and in transport workplaces
Existing Funding
As above
Department of Education and Training
Deliver of Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST) for all staff in all government schools. In the vocational education and training (VET) sector, work is underway to redesign the Aboriginal VET workforce and reform the way the sector engages and supports Aboriginal learners.
Existing (CUST) and new (VET)
Existing funding (CUST)
Ongoing (CUST)
Minister for Education (CUST), Minister for Training and Skills (VET)


Priority Reform Four Outcome: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have access to, and the capability to use, locally-relevant data and information to set and monitor the implementation of efforts to close the gap, their priorities and drive their own development.

Priority Reform Four Target: Increase the number of regional data projects to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to make decisions about Closing the Gap and their development.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Whole of Government actions
Develop modelling of the trajectories for each socioeconomic target alongside the anticipated year when parity will be achieved.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Conduct a mid-term review of the VAAF and VGAAR to ensure alignment with Closing the Gap targets align.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
All departments to negotiate sector wide data access and sharing agreements that prioritise long term investment in ACCO data management.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Department of Land, Water and Planning actions:
Explore what Indigenous Data Sovereignty, as committed to in the Government's Self-Determination Reform Framework, means to Traditional Owners within Victoria in relation to DELWP.
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions:
Continue engaging with VACCHO to understand data discrepancies regarding Aboriginal people with disability who may be eligible for NDIS support and themes on some challenges that Aboriginal people with disability are facing accessing the scheme.
No funding attached
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers
Development of the Dhelk Dja Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Plan to accompany the Dhelk Dja Agreement, laying out a plan for how the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum can monitor and evaluate its strategy throughout its life.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
An Aboriginal Data Mapping and Data Needs project has been established to support the development of baseline understanding of Aboriginal family violence and build the evidence base for prevention and intervention. The defined data, indicators and measures developed will inform strategic decision making and priorities and support annual reporting to the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum.
Existing funding
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence
Development of a tool to provide state-wide data and evidence to inform future investment decision-making. The Community Services and Infrastructure Planning (CommSIP) tool provides a comprehensive picture of the location, proximity, combination and connection of Victorian community services and infrastructure, alongside population and place data, to enable supply and demand insights.
Department of Health actions:
Support VACCHO to deliver a digital transformation of the Victorian Aboriginal health sector including embedding of telehealth, improved client and referral management systems and development of the Victorian Aboriginal Health Information System.
Commence 2020/21
Minister for Health
Support Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health to access Child Development Information System for improved client and referral management and their service data to support continuous improvement.
Minister for Health
Review and refinement of the Koori Maternity Services (KMS) minimum dataset, in partnership with VACCHO and the KMS workforce, will include the establishment of an agreed format and processes for quarterly data reports back to KMS providers (health services and ACCOs).
Within existing budget
Minister for Health
Strengthened data monitoring of Statewide Aboriginal cancer screening participation through the Victorian Cancer Screening Data Monitoring Framework.
Part of $600,000 per annum to implement Victorian Cancer Screening Framework
Minister for Health
Department of Transport actions:
Establish integrated Regional Chapters (as implementation plans) that create a one-stop-shop of self-determined transport activity occurring in each region, with links back to CtG outcomes, for transparency and to be leveraged by other tiers of government and the private sector.
Existing Funding
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
Prepare integrated transport data and information packs for local Aboriginal stakeholders to enable informed participation in development of self-determined transport solutions that progress and enhance Closing the Gap and VAAF outcomes (packs including integrated transport maps and consolidated project and service information and employment and development opportunities available across the transport portfolio).
Within existing budgets ($48,000 in 2020)
As above

Outcome 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy long and healthy lives

Target 1: Close the Gap in life expectancy within a generation, by 2031.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Health actions:
Continue implementing strategies to support improved eye health within Aboriginal community including the Aboriginal Spectacle Subside Scheme through the Australian College of Optometry and through the Victorian Eyecare Scheme and participation in the Victorian Eye Health Strategy Committee.
$255,000 per annum
Minister for Health
Implement the nationally endorsed Optimal Care Pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer; reducing the rates of cancer amongst Aboriginal Victorians will also reduce the mortality rates, and preferences community-controlled organisations to deliver culturally safe services.
Within existing budget
Minister for Health
Implement the Victorian Cancer Agency Collaborative Research Grant to support the acceleration of translational cancer research in areas of unmet need to ultimately reduce the disparities in outcomes for certain cancers and peoples.
August 2019 - August 2024
Minister for Health
Improve Aboriginal cancer screening participation through supporting VACCHO to lead all Aboriginal cancer screening initiatives under the Victorian Cancer Screening Framework including: development and implementation of an Aboriginal cancer screening strategy, strengthened Aboriginal data, increased cancer screening expertise embedded at VACCHO, and representation on the Victorian Cancer Screening Steering Committee.
$600,000 per annum
Minister for Health
Continue focusing on reducing high rates of smoking by Aboriginal Victorians, which is a significant contributor to the gap in life expectancy. Continuation of funded activity by VACCHO to co-ordinate culturally safe strategies to reduce smoking prevalence amongst Aboriginal people and support ACCHOs across Victoria to become smoke free. This includes carrying out smoke free workplace audits across ACCHOs, identifying training opportunities and road shows on how to use nicotine replacement therapy; and continued promotion of the Quitline, including the Commonwealth-funded Aboriginal Quitline, which is delivered by Quit Victoria.
Minister for Health
Develop and implement a range of strategies and policies to support older Aboriginal community members including the Ageing Well Framework including specific response for support Aboriginal Elders and older community members, and implementation of Seniors Card for Aboriginal people aged over 50 years.
Within existing budget
Minister for Aging

Outcome 2: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are born health and strong

Target 2: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies with a health birthweight to 91 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Health actions:
Continue supporting the delivery of Koori Maternity Services across Victoria.
Within existing budget
Minister for Health
Planned Best Practice Forum on Aboriginal Tobacco Control webinar focussing on reducing smoking during pregnancy.
Minister for Health

Outcome 3: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are engaged in high quality, culturally appropriate early childhood education in their early years

Target 3: By 2025, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children enrolled in Year Before Fulltime Schooling (YBFS) early childhood education to 95 per cent. 

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Education and Training actions:
Continue to support Aboriginal children to attend two years of kindergarten through providing three and four-year-old children with 15 hours of free or low-cost kindergarten a week.
Existing funding
Minister for Early Childhood
Continuation of the Koorie Kids Shine at Kindergartencampaign that raises awareness of the importance of three and four-year-old kindergarten and promotes available supports.
Existing funding
Minister for Early Childhood
Continue the Koorie Pre-School Assistants program which work with kindergarten services in selected sites to enhance access and participation of Koorie children, assist in delivery of inclusive programs, support attendance of Koorie children and encourage involvement of Koorie families.
Existing and new of $2.8m over 5 years, $0.9m ongoing
Minister for Early Childhood
Commit to School Readiness Funding which is needs-based funding for kindergartens that aims to address the effects of educational disadvantage and enable children to get the most out of their early learning.
Existing funding
Minister for Early Childhood

Outcome 4: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children thrive in their early years

Target 4: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children assessed as developmentally on track in all five domains of the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) to 55 per cent.  

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Education and Training actions:
Continue Balert Gerrbik: Koorie Families as First Educators: a culturally responsive evidence-based parenting support initiative currently delivered by ACCOs in both regional and metropolitan locations.
Existing Funding
Minister for Early Childhood
Continue the early years initiatives identified under Target 3 to support progress against this target in Victoria through both universal and targeted supports including through the rollout of funded three-year-old kindergarten, three-and-four-year old kindergarten supports, the Koorie Pre-School Assistants program in selected sites and the Koorie Education Workforce.
Existing Funding
Minister for Early Childhood
Establishment of Aboriginal response as part of development of Early Parenting Centres.
Existing Funding
Minister for Early Childhood
Department of Health actions:
Delivery of universal Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health services.
12 month funding has been provided
Minister for Health

Outcome 5: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students achieve their full learning potential

Target 5: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (age 20 – 24) attaining year 12 or equivalent qualification to 96 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Education and Training actions:
Continue to implement a range of universal programs such as Equity, Catch-up and Literacy and Numeracy funding, supports provided through the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund, LOOKOUT and Navigator Centres, School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities, the Reconnect Program and, in 2021, a Tutor-learning program in all schools.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
State-wide Koorie Education Workforce (KEW) continue to support schools to provide an inclusive environment for Koorie students, build local partnerships with Koorie communities, engage with parents and families and support Koorie learners to excel in their education.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Continue roll out of Community Understanding and Safety Training (CUST) to all government schools to ensure a positive learning environment for Koorie students and promote the vibrant living cultures of First Nations People.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Continue awarding the Marrung Scholarships each year to Koorie students in year 10 to support completion of year 11 and 12.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Continue the Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Programs that provide additional funding to schools to support eligible Koorie students to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Continue the Koorie Academy of Excellence that provides out of school hours support to Koorie students to build their aspirations to complete Year 12 and pursue their desired tertiary education pathway.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Continue funding and support for the Koorie Education Children's Court Liaison Officers who support Koorie students who appear before the Children's Koori Court to re-engage with education.
Existing funding
Minister for Education
Department of Transport actions:
Implement, under the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23 a transport portfolio-wide Aboriginal scholarships program that provides funding to support completion of secondary school, mentoring support and work placement opportunities for scholars - with the goal of establishing a pipeline of Aboriginal talent to be employed across the transport portfolio and sector.
Within existing budgets ($150,000 across secondary school, TAFE, and University)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating

Outcome 6: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students reach their full potential through further education pathways

Target 6: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25-34 years who have completed a tertiary qualification (Certificate III and above) to 70 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Education and Training actions:
Continue fee support for Aboriginal learners in government-subsidised training, and 1.5 loading applied to all Aboriginal enrolments in government subsidised accredited vocational education and training.
Minister for Training and Skills
Continue monitoring and implementation of the Wurreker Implementation Plans required at every TAFE and Dual Sector Institute to outline strategies to support improved outcomes for Aboriginal students, improved Aboriginal employment at the TAFE or Institute, and an inclusive learning environment.
Minister for Training and Skills
From 2021, three specialist Aboriginal staff members will be employed at every Victorian TAFE and dual sector institute, to increase Aboriginal student participation at TAFE, improve learner outcomes and help create clearer pathways to employment.
$2.8m per annum
Minister for Training and Skills
Department of Transport actions:
Implement, Under the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23 a transport portfolio-wide Aboriginal scholarships program that provides funding to support completion of TAFE and University studies, mentoring support and work placement opportunities for scholars - with the goal of establishing a pipeline of Aboriginal talent to be employed across the transport portfolio and sector.
Within existing budgets ($150,000 per annum across secondary school, TAFE and University over three years)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating

Outcome 7: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth engaged in employment or education

Target 7: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth (15 – 24 years) who are in employment, education, or training to 67 percent.   

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions actions:
Continued efforts to address Target 7 through the following Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy initiatives: Youth Employment Program, Victorian Apprenticeship Recovery Package (a Victorian government response to COVID-19) and the VPSC Graduate Program.
$0.284 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Increase Koorie participation in employment, further education and training through a suite of initiatives including Careers education reforms, School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, Tech School STEM programs, the Koorie Academy of Excellence in selected locations, and the Reconnect program.
Existing Funding
Minister for Education, Minister for Training and Skills
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning:
Continue to strive for internal targets including: a minimum 20 per cent of the three per cent DELWP Aboriginal employment target achieved to Victorian Public Service (VPS) level 6 roles or above, and a three per cent Aboriginal workforce target at DELWP.
Existing funding
Minister for Water, Minister for Planning, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes
Develop Aboriginal leadership employment strategies in DELWP that focus on achieving outcomes through each stage of the employee lifecycle.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Develop and deliver an Aboriginal staff mentor program.
Minister for Planning
Develop Aboriginal Scholarship and Cadetship Programs that empower self-determination through educational attainment and support Aboriginal recruitment into DELWP.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
DELWP Managers proactively support Aboriginal staff to attend culturally-informed professional development.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Develop an Aboriginal Women in Fire (or Land Management) Pathway Program.
Existing funding
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Explore measures to allocate places for Aboriginal female staff in targeted career programs and pathways.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Continued involvement in the Youth Employment Program, Victorian Apprenticeship Recovery Package (a Victorian government response to COVID-19) and the VPSC Graduate Program.
Existing funding
2019 - 2023
Minister for Water (lead DELWP Minister)
Department of Transport:
Continue to, under the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23, work with Aboriginal staff and community members to develop and implement strategies that attract, recruit and retain Aboriginal youth within the transport portfolio, including through Aboriginal traineeships, scholarships and mentoring programs.
Existing Funding
2023 (ongoing)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating

Outcome 8: Strong economic participation and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities

Target 8: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25 – 64 who are employed to 62 percent

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions actions:
Development of a new Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy in partnership with the Council.
Noted at PR1
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Funding of place based Aboriginal economic strategies that will assist in stimulating self-determined regional and Traditional Owner Corporation economic development strategies.
Approximately $5.7 million investment in 2020/2021
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture ($5mil), Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business ($700k)
Provide jobseekers with the information, advice and support they need to get back to work through an expanded Jobs Victoria.
$619.4 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Collaboration with Traditional Owners to implement the Traditional Owner Native Foods and Botanicals Strategy and the Aboriginal Landholder Information Service that will increase the proportion of Aboriginal people with businesses and / or working in the agriculture sector.
Pending budget outcomes
Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Agriculture
Managing bushfire recovery funds to support initiatives for the Aboriginal community and businesses in the Gippsland Region affected by the 2019/20 bushfires (funding provided to Kinaway Chamber of Commerce, Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation and Taungurung Land & Waters Council Aboriginal Corporation).
$2.0 million
Minister for Water, Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Commitment to Aboriginal Recruitment and Career Development Strategy: minimum two per cent employment target comprising of: 20 per cent at VPS 6 and above levels, 75 per cent of roles to be ongoing only counting employment contracts of 18 months or more.
$1.061 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Working for Victoria (WFV), announced in March 2020, was the Victorian Government's immediate response to the labour market impacted by COVID. To date WFV has supported 33 proposals from Aboriginal organisations. An investment of $15.6 million has created 266 FTE positions.
Existing $15.6 million
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Under the current Jobs Victoria Employment Network, 1,150 Aboriginal job seekers have been supported into work since late 2016. Note: program finishing in June 2021; will be replaced by new Jobs Victoria Employment Services.
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Conduct a series of 10 Aboriginal Regional Employment Round Tables are currently underway bringing together Aboriginal community members and a range of government and community based agencies. The round tables will act as a forum to exchange information, discuss issues and collectively explore the following initial broad themes/focus areas: identification of regional employment and training opportunities, identification of opportunities to enhance policy and programs to improve Aboriginal employment outcomes, create and drive employment opportunities that build on regional opportunities, and identification of the gaps in service delivery and the challenges for Aboriginal job seekers.
Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business
Department of Transport actions:
Establish an internal transport portfolio-wide Aboriginal employment working group to support the roll out targeted initiatives that will drive achievement of the Victorian Government's 2% Aboriginal employment target by the transport portfolio (including the Aboriginal scholarships program detail in Outcomes area 5 and 6). (Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23)
Existing funding
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
Establish an internal portfolio-wide procurement working group to drive achievement of the Victorian Governments 1% Aboriginal procurement target - enhancing employment outcomes through project delivery and other transport activities. (Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23)
Existing funding
As above
Continue work to increase Aboriginal participation on transport boards and committees (1% target) to ensure Aboriginal leadership, knowledge and expertise is embedded in transport decision making. (Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23)
Existing funding
As above
Major Transport Infrastructure Authority also has a 2.5% Aboriginal employment target for major projects, measured as a percentage of total labour hours.
Within existing budgets (via contract award)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop

Outcome 9: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people secure appropriate, affordable housing that is aligned with their priorities and need

Target 9:  By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing to 88 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions:
Ten per cent net of the Victorian Big Housing Build allocated for Aboriginal Victorians, increasing access to social housing options. This involves 1. Action which will increase social housing for Aboriginal Victorians; 2. Action which will increase the capacity of the Aboriginal sector to become registered housing providers; 3. Co-designing an approach with VAHHF governance to adhere to the principles of Aboriginal self-determination (Principles); 4. Commencement of data sharing and access authorisation requirements for Aboriginal communities; 5. Seeking additional opportunities for affordable housing options for Aboriginal Victorians in partnership with DTF.
$5.3b Victorian Big Housing Build stimulus
Minister for Housing and Treasurer
Reduce rates of homelessness by 10 per cent per annum. This involves; 1. Conducting a Homelessness System Service Review and providing recommendations to implement an Aboriginal focused homelessness service system; 2. Action which will improve the homelessness service system gaps for Aboriginal communities; 3. Action which will increase the cultural capacity of the homelessness service system; 4. Action which will increase the capacity of the Aboriginal sector to become registered housing providers, which will open future opportunities for additional accommodation; 5. Co-designing with VAHHF governance an approach that meets the needs of community; 6. Offering access to service level data to shape service design and delivery.
$5.3b Victorian Big Housing Build stimulus. $300k Aboriginal Feasibility study of the homelessness system. $35m Building Work - Aboriginal maintenance stimulus.
3 -10 years
Minister for Housing
Better support for Aboriginal tenancies that enables choice and control. This involves 1. Action directly relating to identifying and addressing service system barriers to access to private rental; 2. Increasing the capacity of the Aboriginal sector via tenancy management; 3. Expansion of the Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program making it available across Victoria; 4. Action which will improve the service system gaps for Aboriginal communities across housing and homelessness; 5. Co-designing with VAHHF governance arrangements to determine an approach to housing and homelessness that meets the needs of community; 6. Adhering to the principles of Aboriginal self-determination and offering greater support to Aboriginal tenants; 7. The creation of an Aboriginal tenancy advocacy role.
Funding to be sought through future budget cycle. Fee for service model (external cultural safety framework delivery).
2-year period
Minister for Housing
Increase rates of home ownership for Aboriginal Victorians. This involves 1. Seeking additional opportunities for affordable housing options for Aboriginal Victorians in partnership with DTF; 2. Increasing home ownership, reducing the system demand for social housing, including by providing Aboriginal Victorians with additional supports in the Victorian Homebuyer Fund (a shared equity scheme to accelerate Victorians into home ownership by reducing the size of the deposit required); 3. Undertake a review to identify opportunities to develop policy that supports increased outcomes for Aboriginal home ownership; 4. Offering leverage for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to support future housing demand need.
$500m Victorian Homebuyer Fund. $35m Building Work - Aboriginal maintenance stimulus
4 - 6year period
Minister for Housing & Treasurer
Increase access and ownership of Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness data. This involves 1. Creating an Aboriginal data dashboard to inform future housing demand and service requirements; 2. Identifying opportunities to support Aboriginal data sovereignty for the Aboriginal housing and homelessness sector; a. Addressing and identify service system barriers; b. Improving the service system gaps for Aboriginal communities; c. Adhering to the principles of Aboriginal self-determination and data sovereignty; 3. Increasing the capacity of the Aboriginal sector to inform future housing demand and service modelling requirements.
Funding contribution via Homes Victoria.
2-Year Period
Minister for Housing
Increase the cultural capability of mainstream housing and homelessness sector to deliver culturally safe services. This will 1. Address and identify service system barriers; 2. Increase the capacity of the Community Housing Sector to delivery culturally safe services; 3. Improve the service system delivery; 4. Adhere to the principles of Aboriginal self-determination.
Funding to be sought through future budget cycle. Fee for service model (external cultural safety framework delivery).
3-Year Period
Minister for Housing

Outcome 10: By 2031, reduce the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults held in incarceration by at least 15 per cent

Target 10:  By 2031, reduce the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults held in incarceration by at least 15 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Justice and Community Safety actions:
Local Justice Worker Program. Support Aboriginal offenders on corrections orders to meet the conditions of their orders, by sourcing supervised community work opportunities in culturally-appropriate environments as well as linking to relevant programs and services available in the community. Local Justice Workers work with the Sheriff's Office and Aboriginal people with outstanding fines to negotiate payment plans as well as acting as a key point of contact between local Aboriginal communities and justice agencies.
2021-22: $3,209.239 (including GST)
Ongoing program with funding provided to ACCOS through 4-year agreements.
Attorney General
Community-based Intensive Diversion Programs. Deliver four community-based intensive diversion programs, under AJA4, for Aboriginal people who have had, or are vulnerable to, involvement with the criminal justice system in order to address factors contributing to offending. The current programs are: The Bramung Jaarn Program, Cultural Mentoring Program, Massive Murray Paddle (MMP) and an additional Aboriginal men's diversion program will commence in late 2021.
$1.1 million per annum (excluding GST). Additional funding of $3.2 million over two years provided through 2021-22 State Budget for diversion programs for Aboriginal males.
Ongoing programs with funding provided to ACCOS through 4-year funding covering 2019-20 to 2022-23.
Attorney General
Koori Women's Diversion Program. Continuation of the Koori Women's Diversion Program addresses service and program gaps for Aboriginal women who are at risk of further involvement with the justice system. The program offers intensive case management and culturally appropriate support, to successfully complete court, bail and/or community corrections orders, referrals to programs and services that reduce their likelihood of offending or reoffending, as well as help to navigate the justice and broader social welfare systems. The KWDP operates in four sites including Mildura, Morwell, Northern Metro and Odyssey House.
$1.3 million per annum (including GST). Additional funding of $0.9 million over two years provided through 2021-22 State Budget.
Ongoing programs with funding provided to ACCOS through multi-year funding agreements
Attorney General
Legislated Spent Convictions Scheme. Implementation of a Legislated Spent Convictions Scheme. The Spent Convictions Bill 2020 (the Bill) passed the Victorian Parliament on 18 March 2021. The Bill creates a legislated spent conviction scheme (Scheme), which prescribes that certain criminal history records will be protected from disclosure after a period without re-offending. The Scheme ensures that historical convictions will no longer be a factor in determining the opportunities available to Aboriginal Victorians. In this way, the new laws go some way to address the socioeconomic disadvantage and overrepresentation in the criminal justice system faced by Aboriginal people by supporting rehabilitation and providing protection against discrimination. The Scheme's design largely aligns with the recommendations of the Woor-Dungin Criminal Record Discrimination Project that were endorsed by the Aboriginal Justice Forum in 2017.
$2.5 million over two years was allocated in the 2021-22 Budget
The Scheme commences in December 2021 and is ongoing.
Attorney General
Public Intoxication Reforms. The Victorian Government has committed to decriminalising public drunkenness and implementing a holistic health model, statewide, to support intoxicated people in public and meet their immediate and long-term health needs. Public drunkenness offences have disproportionately affected Aboriginal Victorians and contributed to incarceration rates and deaths in custody. Repealing these offences was also a recommendation of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Parliament passed the Summary Offences Amendment (Decriminalisation of Public Drunkenness) Act 2020 (the Act) on 19 February 2021 as a critical first step. The Act repeals the public drunkenness offences in the Summary Offences Act 1966 and makes consequential amendments to the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 and the Bail Act 1977 to remove references to public drunkenness offences. The Act will commence on or before the 7 November 2022. Following this date, police will no longer be able to arrest a person for the sole offence of being intoxicated in public. The time prior to commencement will enable the development, trial and implementation of the health model.
Budget 2020/21 $16 m was provided to trial the health response to public intoxication.This funding is part of the DHHS Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation output. Budget 2021/22 $9.5 million was allocated to the Department of Health to support these reforms.
The health model will be established statewide before the Act commences on 7 November 2022. Following this date, police will no longer be able to arrest a person for the sole offence of being intoxicated in public.
Attorney General
Aboriginal Healing Unit. Under AJA4, Corrections Victoria committed to a 20-bed Aboriginal Healing Unit delivered collaboratively with the Aboriginal community. Utilising cultural strengthening as a protective factor and providing unique case management and support specifically developed for Aboriginal women in prison this initiative aims to reduce the overall over-representation of Aboriginal women in the criminal justice system. This project will contribute to the target by providing the necessary supports to Aboriginal women to build the essential life skills required to maintain pro-social connections following release from prison.
$4.846 million over four years provided through 2021-22 state budget and $1.900 million provide for required infrastructure upgrades.
The Aboriginal Healing Unit is anticipated to commence operations in 2023.
Minister for Corrections
Yawal Mugadjina Cultural Mentoring Program. A three-stage program, Yawal Mugadjina aims to provide culturally tailored mentorship to Aboriginal prisoners to support their transition and reintegration. back into their communities. The program contributes to the target by helping reintegration and prevent recidivism. The program was designed in consultation with community members and sessions are delivered by Elders and Respected persons.
Yes, funded through the 2017 Victorian State Budget.
Minister for Corrections
Kaka Wangity Wangin Mirrie Cultural Program Suite. Provides three years of grant funding to Aboriginal Community Controlled and Not for Profit organisations to deliver a suite of cultural programs within prisons and community corrections for Aboriginal prisoners and offenders. Programs are designed and delivered by Aboriginal community organisations and Aboriginal Justice Caucus members are invited to sit on the procurement panel to determine grant recipients. This grant program aligns with Priority Reform 1: Partnerships and Shared Decision Making.
Funded through Ministerial grants.
Grants lapse 28 February 2023.
Minister for Corrections
Ngarra Jarranounith Place (NJP). A 16-week intensive residential program to support Aboriginal men who use or are at risk of using family violence to make positive changes in their lives. The program offers intensive one-on-one support and group activities that focus on supporting and addressing: strong spirit and strong culture; taking responsibility; and healthy relationships.
Initially funded through Ministerial grant. $1.230 million over three years provided through 2021-22 state budget
Minister for Corrections
Wadamba Prison to Work Pilot. The program provides access to employment services, career guidance and cultural support for offenders in custody as well as post release support. The program contributes to the target by providing young people with an opportunity to secure ongoing employment and prevent recidivism. The program was designed in consultation with the Victorian Aboriginal community and Aboriginal Justice Caucus.
Funded through Commonwealth IAS grant which lapses in September 2021. $1.835 million over two years provided through 2021-22 state budget
Minister for Corrections
The Torch - Statewide Indigenous Arts in Prisons and Community Program. Art program delivered by the Torch, the SIAPC program reconnects Aboriginal people to their culture through development of art skills related to their individual language group. With pre-release and post release components the program supports Aboriginal people’s reintegration and economic development by providing them the opportunity to earn income through the promotion, licensing, and sale of artworks.
$1.488 million over two years provided through 2021-22 state budget
Minister for Corrections
Aboriginal Wellbeing Officers (AWOs). Continued support for AWOs. Established in response to the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, AWOs provide the foundation for all other cultural programs that support rehabilitation and reintegration and improve outcomes for Aboriginal prisoners by providing cultural and wellbeing support to Aboriginal prisoners, re-connecting Aboriginal prisoners to their family and community and engaging Aboriginal prisoners with relevant support services pre and post release. AWOs contribute to the target by supporting reconnection to culture and community and assisting with transition and reintegration supports.
Positions initially funded using internal dollars. $2.491 million over two years provided through 2021-22 state budget
Minister for Corrections

Outcome 11: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system

Target 10:  By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (10-17 years) in detention by at least 30 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Justice and Community Safety actions:
Deliver additional Aboriginal led and community-based supports to further reduce over-representation through additional Victorian State Budget investment of $11.9m over four years. Funding is expanding the Community Based Koori Youth Justice Worker program (including gender-specific responses for young women and after-hours support), developing a place-based Aboriginal youth justice hub to provide Aboriginal led services to children and young people from early intervention and diversion through to responses that address the complex needs of Aboriginal young people, re-establishing Balit Ngulu, specialist Aboriginal youth legal service by VALS. Supporting the Koorie Youth Council by amplifying the Voice of Aboriginal children and young people, and by developing a mechanism to engage the voices of Aboriginal children and young people in the design and delivery of youth justice services. Introducing Aboriginal Case Management Review Panels to help Aboriginal children have better and culturally rich lives away from the justice system.
$11.9 million over four years in the 2020-21 State Budget
Minister for Youth Justice
The Koorie Youth Justice Taskforce, was an AJA4 initiative jointly led by the Department of Justice and Community Safety and the Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People to explore the over representation of Aboriginal young people in the youth justice system. The Taskforce examined the cases of all Aboriginal children and young people on Youth Justice Orders (between 1 October 2018 and 31 March 2019), aiming to address issues that impact cultural connectedness, holistic wellbeing, and review and update interventions and supports offered to those in the system identify and address systemic issues to overrepresentation.
Part of $10.8 million over four years in the 2018-19 State Budget
Minister for Youth Justice
Services for Aboriginal children and young people in the community. Programs and services which divert Aboriginal children and young people from Youth Justice, and support them to address offending behaviour, are delivered through 14 funded agencies across Victoria (mainly Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs). These include the Community Based Aboriginal Youth Justice Program, Koori Early School Leavers Program, Aboriginal Youth Support Service. Departmental programs and services available to Aboriginal children and young people in contact with youth justice include Koori Intensive Support Program and a Koori Court Advice Worker.
New and Existing
Part of $11.9 million over four years in the 2020-21 State Budget. Part of $10.8 million over four years in the 2018-19 State Budget.
Minister for Youth Justice
Supports for Aboriginal Children in Custody. Cultural and program supports are provided to Aboriginal young people in custody through the Aboriginal Liaison Officer program. Four Aboriginal Liaison Officers and a Team Leader provide intensive support to Aboriginal young people in custody with a focus on strengthening and maintaining connections to family and culture. Aboriginal young people can have a Cultural Support Plan and access to cultural support through Elder Inreach. Leadership development programs have been run for Aboriginal young women.
Base funding
Minister for Youth Justice
Additional supports to respond to COVID-19. Stay Deadly in Challenging Times package. This package was released to support Aboriginal children and young people in contact with or at risk of contact with the youth justice system. The Stay Deadly in Challenging times included COVID-19 care packs and cultural programs. The COVID-19 Care Packs were provided to Aboriginal children exiting custody and involved with YJ programs in the community. Packs included Clothing the Gap Face-masks, art supplies, disposable masks, hand sanitisers and a culturally themed tote bag. Tailored communication materials developed in partnership with the Koorie Youth Council were included so that Aboriginal young people received accessible information within an Aboriginal youth cultural context.Cultural programs included virtual yarning sessions facilitated by the Koorie Youth Council of Aboriginal young people engaged with Youth Justice programs in the community. These online sessions included guest speakers. Cultural mentoring programs through Strong Brother Strong Sister and Dardi Munwurro for Aboriginal young people in custody are also a part of the package. Additional brokerage funding was also provided to Community Based Aboriginal Youth Justice organisations to provide the supports and resources required for young people during COVID-19.
$129,880 in 2020-21. $154,000 2019-20
Minister for Youth Justice
Aboriginal community led development of the first Aboriginal Youth Justice Strategy under the umbrella of Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja (AJA4). The Aboriginal Justice Caucus are leading the development of the Aboriginal Youth Justice Strategy to be further considered in 2021 by Caucus.
Under development
Part of $11.9 million over four years in the 2020-21 State Budget
Minister for Youth Justice
The Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2020-2030. The new Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2020-2030 reflects a 10-year vision for delivering a leading youth justice system in Victoria. It sets out the ongoing commitment to reform Youth Justice, anchored by the Armytage and Ogloff Youth Justice Review and Strategy. This includes addressing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children and young people as one of the eight focus areas of the plan and considered in all of Youth Justice's reforms.
Existing (launched on 21 May 2020)
State Budget funding for significant investments in the plan
Minister for Youth Justice
Aboriginal Youth Cautioning Project (AYCP). The Aboriginal Youth Cautioning Program (AYCP) is a five-year program of work, funded through the Victorian Government's Community Safety Statement. AYCP seeks to address the over-representation of Aboriginal young people in the criminal justice system, through greater use of cautioning and diversion options, through a community-led model based on the principles of self-determination, early intervention and harm-reduction. The AYCP is piloting a holistic community approach to divert young people, upon receiving a caution, from the justice system and into locally administered Aboriginal community programs. This pilot has been implemented in Bendigo, Dandenong and Echuca.
Existing funding
Five years
Minister for Police and Emergency Services

Outcome 12: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not overrepresented in the child protection system

Target 12:  By 2031, reduce the rate of overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by 45 per cent.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe forcompletionMinister/s responsible
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing actions:
Establish the Victorian Aboriginal Family Reunification and Preservation Response to deliver immediate and intensive support to children at-risk of being placed in care, and to reunify children so they can return safely home.
$335m over four years to implement the Response across the entire children and families' sector
Ongoing - no expiration date
Minister for Child Protection
Implement the Aboriginal response to child protection reports trial that enables ACCOs to investigate reports of Aboriginal children notified to child protection.
Funded through the Victorian government State budget until June 2024 for two pilot sites. $11.6m over four years
April 2021 - June 2024.
Minister for Child Protection
Establish the Early intervention and prevention consortia model will trial different early intervention models at the child protection investigation stage. The ACCO will work closely with families to prevent entry into care.
Funded for 12-18 months as a trial in four locations to prevent entry into care. $850,000
June 2021 - December 2022
Minister for Child Protection
Continue initiatives under Wungurilwil Gapgapduir which has been developed in consultation with the Aboriginal community, as well as with the input of Aboriginal services and key mainstream child service organisations. The Strategic Action Plan details the steps which the sector needs to take in addressing the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the child protection and out-of-home care systems. A refreshed Strategic Action Plan is being developed through the Aboriginal Children's Forum, to operate from 2021-22 to the end of the 2023-2024 financial year. The current Strategic Action Olan expires at the end of the 2020-21 financial year.
Existing. Refreshed strategic action plan for financial years 2021-2024.
Since 2018, $150 million of new Victorian Government investment has been provided to support the initiatives under Wungurilwil Gapgapduir.
Ongoing - no expiration date
Minister for Child Protection.
Continue transitioning Aboriginal Children to ACCOs programs: This initiative transfers case management of Aboriginal children in care from the department to Aboriginal community controlled organisations. It enables ACCOs to undertake daily case management of Aboriginal children on a specific order.
Existing including growth for 673 children.
Funded through the Victorian government state budget on an ongoing basis. $15.0 million per annum.
Minister for Child Protection
Continue commitment to the Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care (section 18/guardianship) enables ACCOs to assume full responsibility of children on a final court order.
Existing including growth for 396 children.
Funded through the Victorian government state budget on an ongoing basis. $12.2 million per annum.
Minister for Child Protection
Commitment to develop cultural plans for all Aboriginal children in care, this is essential for Aboriginal children in care to maintain and strengthen their Aboriginal identity and encourage their connection to their Aboriginal family, culture and community. The ACCO is funded by the department to assist in the development of the cultural plan and the ACCO CEO approves the final plan.
Funded through the Victorian government state budget on an ongoing basis
Minister for Child Protection.
Continue suite of Family Services that provide a range of service responses, varying in intensity, for vulnerable children and their families to promote children's safety, stability and healthy development and learning from pre-birth up to 18 years and support children to remain safely at home.
Existing funding
Minister for Child Protection.
Continue suite of Parenting Services that provide support the safety, wellbeing, and healthy development of children by providing early help to parents to develop their confidence and the skills to respond positively to parenting challenges.
Existing funding
Minister for Child Protection.

Outcome 13: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households are safe

Target 13:  By 2031, the rate of all forms of family violence and abuse against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children is reduced at least by 50% as progress towards zero.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe forcompletionMinister/s responsible
Department of Justice and Community Safety actions:
Design and implement the Dhelk Dja Fund to enable Aboriginal organisations to deliver more frontline family violence services.
$18.2m through the Dhelk Dja Fund
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Finalise an Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy to strengthen Aboriginal frontline family violence services.
2017-18 Family Violence Industry Planning ($95.5m over 4 years). Funded from existing budget.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Design and establish Aboriginal Access Points alongside The Orange Door network to increase service choice for Aboriginal people.
2019-20 Dhelk Dja Aboriginal 10 Year Family Violence Plan ($28.8m over 4 years). Funded from existing budget.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Finalise the Orange Door Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan and best practice model for supporting Aboriginal clients of The Orange Door.
2017-18 Family Violence Industry Planning. Funded from existing budget.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Strengthen Aboriginal-led prevention through a refreshed Indigenous Family Violence Primary Prevention Framework.
Existing Funding
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Undertake a comprehensive mapping of Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention programs and initiatives to identify strengths and gaps in current effort and opportunities for building further effort (led by Respect Victoria).
2017-18 Family Violence Industry Planning. Funded from existing budget.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Initiate a large scale action research project on primary prevention of family violence in Aboriginal communities, designed and led by Aboriginal communities.
Funded from existing budget
End 2022
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Investment in the Aboriginal Community Initiatives Fund, which enables 11 Dhelk Dja Action Groups across Victoria to support local Aboriginal community-led family violence prevention and education projects.
2017-18 Therapeutic Interventions Reform (Counselling & Therapeutic Supports: Capacity building initiatives). $1.1m ongoing.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs
Invest in the Aboriginal Family Violence Primary Prevention Innovation Fund to enable 11 Aboriginal-led organisations to deliver innovative initiatives aimed at strengthening the factors that protect against family violence.
2017-18 Prevention of Family Violence Strategy ($3.295m). Funded from existing budget.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs

Outcome 14: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy high levels of social and emotional wellbeing

Target 14:  Significant and sustained reduction in suicide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people towards zero

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe forcompletionMinister/s responsible
Department of Health actions:
Development of a place-based postvention framework in Gippsland in partnership with Gippsland Aboriginal community-controlled organisations and other service networks such as Gippsland Primary Health Network to provide better support to Gippsland Aboriginal communities.
Existing Funding
2021-22 – 2022-23
Minster for Mental Health
Engage in a Data monitoring partnership with Coroners Court via the Koori Family Liaison Officer to monitor and respond to the passing by suicide of Aboriginal people in Victoria.
Existing Funding
Minster for Mental Health
Establish the Yarning SafeNStrong 24 hour Aboriginal helpline to provide counselling support to callers who experience anxiety, distress and mental health challenges. Yarning SafeNStrong provides outbound referrals to local ACCOs who provide social and emotional wellbeing and mental health services as well as referrals to other support services (state-wide and local services) to callers who wish to be contacted.
Minster for Mental Health
Implement pilot projects under Balit Murrup to improve the mental health outcomes for Aboriginal communities including: delivery of four demonstration projects led by ACCHOs in partnership with mainstream health services to trial new multi-disciplinary models of care that provide continuity of care, self-determination, and culturally safe and responsive support for Aboriginal people, families and communities across services; growth of the Aboriginal mental health workforce by increasing 10 clinical and therapeutic positions in selected Aboriginal community-controlled organisations across rural and metropolitan areas to deliver services that are culturally responsive and embed Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing.o Establishing of 10 Aboriginal Mental Health Traineeships within eight area mental health services
Total $28,600,000
Funded to June 2022
Minster for Mental Health
Work collaboratively to implement interim and final report findings of the Royal Commission into Mental Health. Key actions from the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System interim report to be progressed under VACCHO-MHRV Partnership include: establishing and expanding multidisciplinary social and emotional wellbeing teams in Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations, delivery of scholarships to enable Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing team members to obtain recognised clinical mental health qualifications from approved public tertiary providers, with a minimum of 30 scholarships awarded over the next five years, establishment of a Centre for Excellence in Social and Emotional Wellbeing, to be developed, hosted and maintained by VACCHO, resourcing Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Services to provide Aboriginal children and young people to access specialist mental health services and family-oriented therapeutic treatment, resourcing Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations to commission the delivery of social and emotional wellbeing services for children and young people, co-designing the future establishment of two healing centres, working with an Infant, Child and Youth Area Mental Health and Wellbeing Service to design and establish a culturally appropriate, family oriented service for infants and children who require intensive social and emotional wellbeing supports.
$116 million over four years, $32 million ongoing: 2021-22 State Budget
From 2020-21 -Ongoing
Minister for Mental Health
Continue implementation of Decriminalisation of public drunkenness: establishing social and emotional wellbeing pathways for Aboriginal people who are intoxicated in public and may be at risk of suicide.
Minster for Mental Health
Department of Transport actions:
Transport will proactively implement initiatives that seek to end systemic racism and the associated mental health impacts by; promoting and celebrating Aboriginal culture and heritage internally and across the Victorian transport program, providing culturally safe and accessible transport services, and providing culturally safe workplaces, including through provision of pastoral and cultural care and support to Aboriginal staff.
Existing Funding
2023 (ongoing)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating

Outcome 15: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people maintain a distinctive cultural, spiritual, physical and economic relationship with their land and waters

Target 15a:  By 2030, a 15 per cent increase in Australia’s landmass subject to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s legal rights or interests.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe forcompletionMinister/s responsible
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning actions:
Continue to work with Traditional Owners for the protection of cultural heritage under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Identify and connect programmed efforts to support protection and promotion of Aboriginal Heritage.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Strengthen Traditional Owner decision-making in biodiversity planning.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
DELWP will incorporate support for finalising negotiations and implementation of new native title determinations and/or Recognition and Settlement Agreements involving public lands and waters.
Subject to government decisions for TOSA settlements
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with Traditional Owners to develop guidance and explore opportunities to invest in renewable energy in DELWP.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Fund Traditional Owner Corporations to establish their own pathways to implement the Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Strategy.
$22.6 million over 4 years, with $6.3 million ongoing allocated in 21/22 State budget
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with Traditional Owners to devise and establish culturally appropriate governance arrangements for the leadership of cultural landscapes management and fire practice.
$1.258 million dedicated funding allocated in 20/21 State Budget
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with the State-wide Caring for Country Partnerships Forum to recognise barriers and opportunities to Aboriginal self-determination in the area of heritage protection and management on public land.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with Traditional Owner Corporations to fund and build internal capacity to deliver the full range of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management services to DELWP.
Funding provided as part of the Delivering Victoria's Regional Forest Agreement commitments 2021-25 State Budget allocation.Specific funding allocations still be finalised
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Work with Traditional Owner Corporations to establish their own pathways to implement the Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Landscape Strategy and partnership in the management of state forests.
Funding provided as part of the Reducing Bushfire Risk in a Rapidly Changing Climate 2021-25 State Budget allocation. Specific funding allocations still to be finalised determined
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Department of Justice and Community Safety actions:
Conclude the native title claim process in the Federal Court for the Eastern Maar people. This action is anticipated to increase the landmass covered by a positive native title determination.
Existing - the claim was made in December 2012, and actively prosecuted towards a consent determination outcome since December 2018.
The Eastern Maar legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose.
2021-2022, depending on actions of respondent parties and the Federal Court
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.
Enter into agreements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act with the Eastern Maar people and an Indigenous Land Use Agreement under the Native Title Act. The TOS Act agreement would increase the landmass covered by a state-based land justice framework and include rights over land on which native title does not exist.
Existing - the state and Eastern Maar commenced negotiations in late 2017.
The Eastern Maar legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose. The state provides funding to Eastern Maar's corporation to enable it to engage in negotiations and prepare for implementation. The state pays native title compensation and other funding to support the agreements.
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.
Conclude the native title claim process in the Federal Court for the First People Millewa Mallee people. This action is anticipated to increase the landmass covered by a positive native title determination.
Existing - the claim was made in December 2015, and actively prosecuted towards a consent determination outcome since December 2018.
The legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose.
2021-2022, depending on actions of respondent parties and the Federal Court
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.
Enter into agreements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act with the First Peoples Millewa Mallee people and an Indigenous Land Use Agreement under the Native Title Act. The TOS Act agreement would increase the landmass covered by a state-based land justice framework and include rights over land on which native title does not exist.
Existing - the state and Eastern Maar commenced negotiations in late 2017.
The legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose. The state provides funding to Millewa Mallee's corporation to enable it to engage in negotiations and prepare for implementation.
2021-2023, depending on how long is required for negotiations.
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.
Enter into agreements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act with the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jawadjali Wergaia and Jupagulk (WJJWJ) people and an Indigenous Land Use Agreement under the Native Title Act. The TOS Act agreement would increase the landmass covered by a state-based land justice framework and include rights over land on which native title does not exist.
Existing - the state and WJJWJ commenced negotiations in late 2017.
The legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose. The state provides funding to WJJWJ people to enable it to engage in negotiations and prepare for implementation.
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.
Department of Transport actions:
The transport portfolio will continue to work with Victorian Traditional Owners to ensure compliance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018, Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) and Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010. Under this legislation the transport portfolio recognises Registered Aboriginal Parties as having responsibilities in managing and protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage on Country.
Existing Funding
2023 (ongoing)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating

Target 15b:  By 2030, a 15 per cent increase in areas covered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s legal rights or interests in the sea.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning actions:
Increase the number of DELWP projects and initiatives where Aboriginal people are accessing water for economic development and other self-determining purposes.
Existing Funding
Minister for Water
Strengthen Traditional Owner decision-making in sustainable water management.
Existing funding
Minister for Water
Delivery of DELWP Aboriginal Water Program.
Existing funding
Minister for Water
Development of the Cultural Landscapes Strategy. Written by Traditional Owners, the strategy will set out how Traditional Owners can lead planning and management of Country in line with cultural obligations to care for Country
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Cultural Fire Strategy implementation.
$22.5 million
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Department of Justice and Community Safety actions:
The Eastern Maar native title consent determination and TOS Act agreements are anticipated to include sea country. The area of sea country is to be determined.
Existing - the state and Eastern Maar commenced negotiations in late 2017.
The legal costs are met by FNLRS, which receives funding from the NIAA for that purpose. The state provides funding to Eastern Maar corporation to enable it to engage in negotiations and prepare for implementation.
2021-2023, depending on how long is required for negotiations.
The state minister responsible is the Attorney-General.

Outcome 16: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and languages are strong, supported and flourishing

Target 16:  By 2031, there is a sustained increase in number and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages being spoken.

ActionIs this action: existing, or changed/newFundingTimeframe for completionMinister Responsible
Department of Education and Training actions:
Continue to work with VACL, VAEAI, and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) to support kindergartens and schools delivering Aboriginal language programs and ensure these are culturally safe and respectful of Traditional Owners.
Existing funding
Minister for Education, Minister for Early Childhood, Minister for Training and Skills
Continuing Aboriginal Languages Training Initiative to deliver support for Koorie learners in VET and adult education. This funding will support the licensing and contextualisation of two new nationally accredited courses, Certificate II and III in Learning an Australian First Nations Language and ongoing delivery of the Certificates to a cohort of up to 20 students per year.
$2.7 million over 4 years, $0.7 million ongoing
Minister for Education, Minister for Early Childhood, Minister for Training and Skills
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning actions:
Continue exploration of a Aboriginal language and culture revitalisation program.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Identify and connect programmed efforts to support protection and promotion of Aboriginal Heritage.
Existing funding
Minister for Planning
Continue to work with Traditional Owners for the protection of cultural heritage under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Act 2016.
Existing funding
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change
Department of Transport actions:
Under the Transport Portfolio Aboriginal Self-Determination Plan 2020-23 continue to work with Aboriginal Victorians and Victorian Traditional Owners to identify ways to recognise and promote Aboriginal culture and heritage, including language with Victorian Traditional Owners. This includes working with DELWP to deliver workshops on place naming legislation and Traditional Owner engagement to transport staff.
Existing Funding
2023 (ongoing)
Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Public Transport Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Minister for Ports and Freight, Minister for Fishing and Boating
